Sunday, October 23, 2011

Environments and Counter Environments at Arkitekturmuseet, Stockholm

what's up in viapiranesi >> Environments and Counter Environments at Arkitekturmuseet, Stockholm
Environments and Counter Environments; Italy: the New Domestic Landscape, MoMA, 1972 inaugurates its fourth venue at Stockholm Arkitekturmuseet. We're proud to announce today Swedish opening and once more notice the steady interest around Italian radical design season and the archaeological research by Peter T. Lang, Luca Mollinari and Mark Wasiuta on the renown American exhibit by Emilio Ambasz. 
The contemporary exhibit - first produced by the GSAPP, Columbia University (New York) and displayed at Arthur Ross Gallery in 2008 - started a European tour which numbers Swiss Architecture Museum and Disseny Hub Barcelona among its prestigious venues. It's now the Swedish Museum of Architecture to display the unique collection of materials, especially the films, from the period (Archizoom, Sottsass, Ugo La Pietra, Superstudio, 9999, Aulenti, Zanuso, Rosselli, Bellini, Colombo,Strum, Zanuso and Sapper, etc.)...and to add its original touch and insight for Swedish audience.

Curators carry on their dialogue with architecture institutions and enrich their research and debate with new construction possibilities. The variety of the issues raised by Italy: the New Domestic Landscape allows to go into several investigations and consider the exhibit from different perspectives.

Swedish Museum of Architecture knowingly revives the "important discussion on design’s and architecture’s explorative and critically discursive role in the shaping of society."
Environments and Counter Environments is not only a survey and selection over the renowned 1972 event at MoMA, it exemplarily "contributes to the debate of the role institutions, exhibitions and curators play when it comes to conveying knowledge, discussing or assisting in knowledge production. The Swedish Museum of Architecture’s platform for architecture and design is under development and with this exhibition we aim to establish a kind of starting point for a new discussion on design and our role as an institution. It is also the beginning of a programme in which we, in different ways, will explore and elaborate on design, its function, possibilities and effects in regard to society and its development."

9999 (Giorgio Birelli, Carlo Caldini, Fabrizio Fiumi, Paolo Galli), University project. Image courtesy of Carlo Caldini Archive
Environments and Counter Environments; Italy: the New Domestic Landscape, MoMA, 1972

march 30- june 5
SE-111 49 Stockholm
The exhibition is produced by: GSAPP, Columbia University & Arkitekturmuseet
Curators: Peter Lang, Luca Molinari, Mark Wasiuta
International project coordination: Viapiranesi_Milena Sacchi
Curator Arkitekturmuseet: Magnus Ericson
Project coordinator Arkitekturmuseet: Annelie Kurttila
Exhibition design: Mark Wasiuta, Magnus Ericson
Graphic design: Jonas Williamsson
Typeface: Recta by Aldo Novarese interpreted by Laurenz Brunner
Cover image: Superstudio, A Journey from A to B, 1972 © Superstudio Archive
Texts: Magnus Ericson, Arkitekturmuseet; Peter Lang, Luca Molinari, Mark Wasiuta, Emilio Ambasz
Translation: Hans Ohlsson, Bo Nordström
Adaption of Swedish texts: Annelie Kurttila, Magnus Ericson
Paper: Cyklus Offset 140g, Holmen Print Plus 75 60g, MySol Gloss 90g (poster)
Print: Etab, Eskilstuna; Etab, Eskilstuna; Wassberg Skotte, Stockholm (poster)

Arkitekturmuseet wishes to thank all individuals and institutions that have made this project possible:
Luca Molinari, Peter Lang, Mark Wasiuta, Milena Sacchi (ViaPiranesi), Emilio Ambasz
(Emilio Ambasz & Associates, Inc.); Gae Aulenti and Paolo Durazzo (Studio Gae Aulenti); Gloria Bianchini, Paola Pagliari and Simona Riva (CSAC, Università di Parma. Sezione Progetto); Adam Bandler (CCCP, GSAPP Exhibitions); Mario Bellini (Mario Bellini Architects); Andrea Branzi ([Archizoom] Studio Branzi); Gilberto Corretti (Archizoom); Ignazia Favata and Teresa Bocchi Galassini (Studio Joe Colombo); Pietro Derossi, David Derossi and Anna Licata (Derossi Associati); Laura Giordano (Gondrand Fine Arts Dept.); Dean
Mark Wigley (GSAPP, Columbia University); Ugo La Pietra and Simona Cesana (Ugo La Pietra Archive); Beatriz Lampariello; Gaetano
Pesce and Chrystel Garipuy (Studio Gaetano Pesce); SAM (Swiss Architecture Museum); Richard Sapper; Piero Frassinelli (Superstudio Archive); Adolfo Natalini (Superstudio); Barbara Radice; Cristiano Toraldo di Francia
([Superstudio] Luccioni Toraldo di Francia Studio); Carlo Caldini and Fabrizio Fiumi (9999); Laurenz Brunner, Paolo Grossi (Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Stockholm), Rikard Heberling, Carlos Ipser (DHUB, Barcelona), Ewa Kumlin (Form), Gunilla Lundahl, Tove Salmgren, Beate Sydhoff, Karin Wretstrand, Christina Zetterlund

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